Time and persistance paid off
Went away this weekend. When I got back I noticed the letter in the same white envelope as before - thought OK another rejection. Surprise: They agreed to increase the DM 2 rating from 20 to 40%, and...
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Tatoo: CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! Now how about taking that special lady in your life on a long romantic vacation? ***************** "To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and...
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WTG Tatoo! B/720th MP Bn, 557th MP Co. 18th MP Bde, 68-69 "Vote Vet...Vote Kerry"
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That's great, Tatoo. Maybe one of these days all of the board can meet at your house for a keg and pizza party. (Sugar-free root beer keg party, that is). Wrench
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Wrench, Don't be a such a "party pooper". If some one will bring the whiskey in case of snake bite, I'll bring the snake. Skip:
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